Freedom15 Question of the Day 1/6/16 - How much color dye comes with the kit? How much color dye is in each pack?

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Freedom15 Question of the Day 1/6/16 - How much color dye comes with the kit? How much color dye is in each pack?


How much color dye comes with the base $329.00 kit? How much color dye is in each color dye pack? How many will it do?


No color dye is included with the base $329.00 kit.

If you don't add any color dye, the lower receiver will cast "white".

Each color dye pack contains a quarter of an ounce of dye.

A single quarter ounce of dye will color 20+ lowers, if you stick to the recommended 8-10 colored dye drops to a pour. 
