Posted by on Dec 29th 2015
After casting your Freedom-15 Lower receiver, the next question is: Which LRPK kit should I use to make a functional firearm? We tested several Lower Parts Kits (LRPK) from various manufactures.
We tested nine (9) lower parts kits from different manufactures. Below is a list of the lower parts kits we tested.
We are very happy to report that all of the Lower Parts Kits listed above were within mil-spec measurements. Each of the above LRPK kit's fit the Freedom-15 lower receiver without issues. This testing was not performed to compare each lower parts kit to each other, it was purely a Freedom-15 lower receiver fitment validation test
Lately we have been starting to see some LRPK kits show up from overseas. Several of the overseas kits we have tested are not within mil-spec tolerances. Common problems that we have seen are: oversized detent pins & oversized mag release buttons that are too large for mil-spec receivers. To complete your Freedom-15 build, we recommend using one of the LRPK kits from the manufactures listed above.