Cast a 100% ready to assemble high-strength polymer Freedom-15 AR15 lower receiver at home!
Stainless Steel rear support braces are included with all mold kits and ARCast resin refills.
Simple to use kit, NO MACHINING required! Accepts mil-spec lower components.
In less than 2 hours, you can cast your own Freedom-15 AR15 100% ready to assemble lower receiver.
Polymer recharge kits are available. Cast an unlimited amount of UNREGISTERED 100% Freedom-15 AR15 lower receivers in the privacy of your own home.
Further customize your Freedom-15 AR15 lower reciever by adding one of our eight colors, or custom mix your own color to taste.
Freedom-15 AR15 lower receiver mold kits are available in 5, 10 & 15 unit pour kits.
Q - Does the Second Amendment protect the individual?A - YES! In the 2008 case …
We are proud to announce the release of QuickLoadAR for the AR15 and …